Here’s a quick and easy way to make a scrollable multi-line input field.

{kind: "extras.InputDecorator", alwaysLooksFocused:true, style:"width:100%;height:400px", components: [
    {kind:"Scroller", style:"height:100%;width:100%", components:[
        {name:"content", kind: "onyx.RichText", richContent:false, onchange: "inputChange", style:"min-height:100%"}

You have to set the height of the input decorator (either explicitly or as a fit:true child of a FittableRows instance) as well as the width (either by setting the width or changing it to display:block). By setting the min-height of the RichText control, you ensure that anywhere the user clicks in the area, the control will get focus but it will still expand if the user adds more content than the screen holds.

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N.B. I've used my extras.InputDecorator for the alwaysLooksFocused property but it works the same with vanilla onyx.InputDecorator.
